Today is Stardew Valley’s 3rd anniversary, and what better way to celebrate it than with a release date announcement?
As you may have guessed from the title, ConcernedApe‘s relaxing farming RPG will be coming to the Google Play store on March 14th, so get those high-yielding rhubarb seeds at the ready.
You can actually pre-register the game on Google Play right now!

The Mobile versions have been developed by our friends at London-based Mobile studio The Secret Police, who have been hard at work making Mobile-specific feature updates to the game, including:
- Save at any time – even when you close the app!
- Pinch-zoom functionality, allowing players to handily zoom in to track down your Junimos or zoom out to get a full view of your farm
- New control systems including virtual joystick and invisible joystick options, ‘action / attack’ button option, improved auto-attack and Joypad adjuster tool with complete customization of your onscreen controls
Stardew Valley on Android will be priced at $7.99 / $7.99 / 8,99 € – the same as iOS! Make sure to check the Google Play Store for more regional pricing if your currency isn’t listed.
The game will also be playable in Korean, Italian, French and Turkish at launch on Android, bringing the total supported language count to 10! These languages will also be coming to the iOS version (and consoles) in a future update, so stay tuned!